Test Swift App On Iphone

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Hi, hope you can help me with some questions about Apple Development.

If you are installing app on your app first time you will have to approve the account from iPhone You have to authenticate your login credentials going on your iPhone General - Look for Device. Now, does the app.stay. on a device once I unplug it from a computer, or does one have to go through the mentioned 'ad-hoc distribute' procedure (which is more work I suppose) in order to have an app in your pocket, testing it on the go (at first, I would just test it myself, of course)?!

I want to learn to code in Swift, develop some apps and test it on my own iPhone and iPad.

I already download XCode and find 'Start Developing iOS Apps (Swift)' guide.

The question is:

Once I finish my first app, if I wanna try it on my own iPhone/iPad, can I do it without paying the 99$ for the Apple Developer Program.

I think is not worth to pay it already because I'm going to learn and I don't want to publish it on the App Store.

Before this, I code some apps for Android (no one of them are in the Google Play Market). When I finish it, I just compile it and install it on some Android devices. I guess that I can do the same with Swift apps. Am I right?

Thanks for solving!

Hi, hope you can help me with some questions about Apple Development.

I want to learn to code in Swift, develop some apps and test it on my own iPhone and iPad.

I already download XCode and find 'Start Developing iOS Apps (Swift)' guide.

The question is:

Once I finish my first app, if I wanna try it on my own iPhone/iPad, can I do it without paying the 99$ for the Apple Developer Program.

Test Swift App On Iphone

I think is not worth to pay it already because I'm going to learn and I don't want to publish it on the App Store.

Iphone Test App

Before this, I code some apps for Android (no one of them are in the Google Play Market). When I finish it, I just compile it and install it on some Android devices. I guess that I can do the same with Swift apps. Am I right?

Test Iphone App Online

Thanks for solving!

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